Local Opinion

On the beat: When moving is controlling  

This week in my series on Domestic Violence I am going to touch on the use of isolation as a control in domestic violence. Isolating a victim from friends and family causes a reliance on…

On the beat: Outlining intimidation 

Continuing on in my discussion about family violence, this week I am going to expand on the use of intimidation to condition a victim to stay in a relationship. Threats can be physical or emotional….

Our governance role

Maybe it’s the lawyer in me, but events at Waipā District Council over the last few months have given me cause to reflect on the process of our decision-making and the importance of getting this…

On the beat: Look out for red flags

Domestic violence, family harm or in police radio code, 5F, makes up a very large part of our everyday business. For a new constable working through the modules required in the first two years of…

On the beat: Time to rebuild

It’s been a real pleasure this last week being back at work undertaking my usual duties. Currently I’m in a phase of rebuilding some of the community contact relationships that I have had to let…

Survey stays exclusive

WE SAY …. Arrangements which smack of an old boys’ network influence are not something the Waipā District Council – particularly its media shy senior economic development manager – should be a party to. For…

Bridging the gaps

This year is a biggie for Waipa. We have an ambitious ‘To Do List’ including the Annual Plan, the review and adoption of three major strategies – Transport, Environment and Economic Well-being – plus the…

On the beat: call us first

It’s been a few tumultuous weeks on the policing front for me and I know I have been somewhat absent from writing my column. I must thank Deb Thurgood for filling in me. Illegal street…

Plugging into the future

Move over Nostradamus. Here comes Peteramus Matthewsilus. I’ve been observing the world over the past (nearly) 60 years, and I am now in a position to reveal what the future holds. Notwithstanding the butterfly effect,…

The transport hot potato 

Having just spent a week in the Kapiti area visiting family I had the opportunity to watch the saga surrounding the repeatedly delayed Transmission Gully Road. It involves approximately 30 kilometres of four lane tarmac…

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