Local Opinion

Christmas message from Pastor Charmaine Gillam

God will never make a promise and not fulfil it. When God made a promise to send His Son, Jesus Christ our Saviour, long time ago (Genesis 3:14-15), God fulfilled that promise about 3000/4000 years…

Cryptocurrency: for the crypt?

Cryptocurrencies have been in the news a lot recently, but mainly for the wrong reasons. The collapse of FTX in the US, one of the world’s largest crypto exchanges, has created shockwaves. A claim made…

We couldn’t do it without you… 

This week we are in the middle of packaging the Christmas hampers. As always it is a very busy and chaotic week. I thought at this point I should thank a number of local businesses…

Christmas past and present 

When our children were young our family lived in Taradale, a small satellite suburb of Napier. One Christmas our church ran The Sights and Sounds of Christmas – an interactive experience involving skits, storytelling, cookies,…

We say …

If the behaviour at last week’s Waikato Regional Council meeting is an indication of what’s ahead for the organisation charged with looking after our land, air, water, public transport and biosecurity, let’s bring in a…

Green shoots look good 

Te Awamutu Community Board Column   One month after elections we are already seeing early indications of positive change for our community boards as a result of last year’s review.  All interactions with councillors and staff…

Supporting events: explaining our role 

About 30 years ago I helped organise sponsorship for what was then the richest football tournament in Waikato. We recruited sponsors and encouraged our Tokoroa club members to support the people who supported us. That…

Dealing with fire works 

Over the last few weeks since Guy Fawkes’ I have had several complaints come through about fireworks and the poor behaviour of some towards them. This is an old story that just never goes away….

Party time: so plan properly 

Recently I have been speaking to safety around alcohol. With the hot weather now upon us and coming to the end of the year I thought I should follow up with advice around managing alcohol…

Fluoride – no mystery here

The News ran an article in September headlined Fluoride call still a mystery. I’m not sure why The News is still finding the fluoride “call” a mystery. Perhaps they’re not listening to and reporting facts…

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