This week was Neighbourhood Supports scam awareness week. Scam emails or phishing is a common problem and very tricky to police. Essentially most phishing is generated overseas and not subject to New Zealand law as…
This week was Neighbourhood Supports scam awareness week. Scam emails or phishing is a common problem and very tricky to police. Essentially most phishing is generated overseas and not subject to New Zealand law as…
Over the last few weeks I have noticed a worrying trend that I fear will grow during the school holidays. Youths have been congregating in public areas with cheap plastic BB pistols shooting each other,…
Last week I wrote about the partnership the police has with the Community Patrol. This week I would like to expand on that with a good work story. Last Thursday night our patrollers were patrolling…
Some of you may know that one of the many “hats” I wear within the police is the role of Police Liaison Officer to the Community Patrol. The Community patrol is an affiliate of Community…
In my last column about Family Violence I am going to talk about economic abuse. Economic Abuse is simply where an abuser makes it almost impossible to leave by controlling the finances. Often this extends…
Continuing on about family harm, this week I am going to expand on minimising behaviour and the use of children as weapons. Minimising behaviour is when a partner will abuse the victim using the previously…
This week in my series on Domestic Violence I am going to touch on the use of isolation as a control in domestic violence. Isolating a victim from friends and family causes a reliance on…
Continuing on in my discussion about family violence, this week I am going to expand on the use of intimidation to condition a victim to stay in a relationship. Threats can be physical or emotional….
Maybe it’s the lawyer in me, but events at Waipā District Council over the last few months have given me cause to reflect on the process of our decision-making and the importance of getting this…
Domestic violence, family harm or in police radio code, 5F, makes up a very large part of our everyday business. For a new constable working through the modules required in the first two years of…