Local Opinion

Reflections: pieces of eighty

By Peter Carr Last Thursday was an incredibly special day for me which has set me off in a reflective mood. More on that later. In 1954 several interesting events took place – which included…

Opinion: those scientific “facts”…

By Peter Matthews I’ve received a few emails recently in response to this column, all so far disagreeing with what I say. People send me long letters full of references to scientific ‘facts’ designed to…

Opinion: living long and prospering?

By Peter Carr Sometimes writing about the ’oldies’ brings with it a feeling the folk of more advanced years do not care what others think, but prefer to take life as it comes. Possibly they…

Opinion from Nanaia Mahuta: An important conversation

Waipā is being asked what it thinks of having a Māori ward within its district council ranks for the 2022 elections. The News asked the Minister who prompted a key legislative change for her views…

Opinion: make greener the default

By Peter Matthews Something surprising has happened recently in Switzerland. That in itself could be surprising; Switzerland is not generally known as a country to catch the world off guard. For a long time the,…

Opinion: some right royal reflections

By Peter Carr By the time you are reading this the much-hyped interview undertaken by Oprah Winfrey will have aired. And you are possibly already tired of the subsequent drawn-out media hype that will have…

Money matters: is Bitcoin worth a punt?

  By Peter Nicholl Bitcoin is back in the news because of a spectacular price rise to over US$50,000. This surge was triggered by Tesla’s CEO, Elon Musk. He revealed that Tesla had invested US…

Tainui: wards are a step in the right direction

The News asked Waikato-Tainui for its views on the legislation introduced last week. Linda Te Aho, Chair Te Arataura, provided this response. Waikato-Tainui celebrate the removal of legislative provisions that have allowed a percentage of…

New wards: the pitfalls for councillors

The reluctance of Waipā District Councillors to openly discuss their views on Māori representation is not completely surprising. Nationally a vocal lobby has historically taken issue with councils who see to add Māori wards –…

Opinion: reality — deal with it

By Peter Matthews Standing in the shower this morning, I was thinking about reality and its different forms. There’s reality TV, virtual reality, and of course actual reality. At the opposite end of the spectrum…

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