Local Opinion

Restoring our environment

Here, in Te Awamutu we are lucky enough to be at the centre point between two maunga, Maungatautari and Pirongia. Flowing between the two maunga is the Mangapiko stream which winds its way directly through…

Reviewing our work

Transparency, accountability, being prepared to listen and take community feedback are core values of the Te Awamutu and Kihikihi Community board.  We are not always going to get everything across the line but we assure…

Cattle and gorse in Kihikihi

A most successful flower show and fancy fete was held at Te Awamutu.  Known as the Waikato West flower show, it was held in the Town Hall and blessed with beautiful weather. There was an…

Watching and waiting…

We are watching the complexity of volcanic unrest in real time in Iceland. A rapid increase in activity resulted from magma rising pretty close to the surface across a 15 km long area, causing earthquakes…

The story of Frederick Malcomson

The silence of the tent surprised Rowland Long when he returned to it around 10.30 on an April night in 1865. Rowland was part of Frederick Malcolmson’s survey party working around the Ngāhinapōuri district and…

Seek random encounters

I recently had a random encounter with a woman in a café. I was rushing to my car and heard someone yell my name across the room, and when I turned, I couldn’t see a…

Our future – my views

Andrew Myers has succeeded retiring Waipā ward member Mike Montgomerie on the Fonterra Cooperative Council and shares his thoughts today. For those of you that don’t know me, I live in Roto-o-Rangi between Cambridge and…

Strength in disaster

While we call phenomena like devastating eruptions, earthquakes, and storms “natural disasters”, they are actually a social event. If any one of these events strikes a remote area where there is nothing to impact, it…

A burning issue

Over 900 submissions were received by Waipā District Council on the Waste-to-Energy incinerator consent application in Te Awamutu. That’s a record number. A large majority were in opposition. So why the concern? The proposal, yet…

Making a difference in people’s lives

November is the time of year we begin to plan for the summer. We are already feeling some very warm days and enjoying having the doors of the house open early in the morning for…

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