Local Opinion

Shopping on Alexandra

Meghan Hawkes takes us back to 1937 for a look at what was in the Waipa news. At Burchell’s store, Alexandra Street, Te Awamutu, specially made and ready-to-wear suits of good quality and perfect fit…

Resilience in devastation

No doubt many of you, like me, have seen the harrowing images on the television news, or on various social media platforms, of widepread wildfires which have devastated areas of California, north of Los Angeles….

Eruptible magma

There is a lot of misunderstanding around what leads to eruptions, and that is absolutely reasonable considering that it’s a highly complex field requiring different experts who understand the physics, chemistry, and geology. Volcanic systems…

Letter to the Editor – 23 January 2025

The Great Sequah I’m the oldest Great Grandson of Charles Frederick Rowley, otherwise known as “The Great Sequah”. (editor’s note: the “quack doctor” mentioned in Cars, cows and miracle cures – A Snip in Time…

Work bearing fruit

Last summer was my first attempt at building a garden and growing something worth eating out of it. About mid-way through December, though, I realised I had made a big mistake. My tomato plants had…

A hotel with history

The worm-eaten and rat-ridden state of the Star Hotel at Kihikihi compelled the police in 1916 to apply to have its licence cancelled.  The place was in a state of great disrepair, patched with tin…

Together in disasters

Eons ago, humanity began to learn from natural events and understand our Earth in incredible ways. We evolved through tragedies like impactful eruptions and earthquakes. Valuable stories were passed down to teach descendants how to…

Cars, cows and miracle cures

Travellers desiring to inspect the site of the big hydro-electric works at Arapuni had not experienced the best facilities for making the motor journey between Te Awamutu and Putāruru owing to the mail cars on the Arapuni-Putaruru section not synchronising…

Life is what you make it

The early settlers of our region remain significant to our history and our future. Māori landed in Kawhia harbour and many travelled across the hills to settle in Waipa. Generations of tribes covered the lush,…

The Boxing Day tsunami

This time 20 years ago, countries around the Indian Ocean were reeling from the grief and horror of one of the deadliest events in modern history – the Boxing Day tsunami triggered by the 9.2-9.3…

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