Local News

Business awards open

The Waipa Networks Business Awards format has been confirmed. Cambridge Business Chamber chief Kelly Bouzaid said  a reshaping of the awards categories will better reflect business issues and strategies during 2020. Any business, of any…

‘Kura Welcome’ at Te Wharekura o Ngā Purapura o Te Aroha

A Te Awamutu Wharekura welcomed 10 new students with a powhiri this week. Te Wharekura o Ngā Purapura o Te Aroha has been on its site adjacent to Te Wānanga o Aotearoa in Factory Rd…

Polluters hit with $1 million plus fines

Courts issues fines to the value of almost $1.2 million as penalties for pollution inside Waikato Regional Council boundaries during 2020. The council too 21 environmental prosecutions resulting in 42 convictions against 23 polluters. Regional…

A hidden taonga

The story of a fabulous old waka, unfinished and buried for years in a King Country paddock, is one that members of the Ōtorohanga Historical Society think more people should hear. The team is embarking…

Space-age safety message

A close brush with Covid-19 has turned Kihikihi’s Dave Owen – better known as ‘Space Dave’ – into a vocal champion of Covid-19 contact tracing. Dave owns the Te Awamutu Space Centre in the heart…

Read on: libraries in demand

Waipā’s two libraries issued more than 32,000 books last month. District Council community services manager Sally Sheedy said 10,000 books were taken out at the Cambridge library in the first week it opened, starting January…

‘Good’ rubbish goes to landfill: report

Waipā residents send most of their recyclable rubbish to landfills, a new report reveals. An audit of trash was carried out by the Waipā District Council last October of 253 randomly-selected households on 44 streets…

Council sets rates, spending plan

Helping Waikato people retrofit their homes so they’re healthy is the only new programme of work Waikato Regional Council will seek public feedback on. A 10-year budget – approved last week following three days of…

Book giveaway: six of the best for you to read

We have a series of books to give away to News readers – and all you have to do is email us with the title. Simply send an email to [email protected] and put the title…

Looking forward to looking back

Waipā history will be the focus of February for the district. Libraries and Te Awamutu Museum will host walks, talks, displays and creative workshops from 2 February to 3 March. Strategy and community services group…

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