Waipā District Council has imposed a three-strike rule on rogue dumpers who have sabotaged the community’s recycling centre. More than 25 properties have been told their recycling services are suspended because they abused the collection…
Waipā District Council has imposed a three-strike rule on rogue dumpers who have sabotaged the community’s recycling centre. More than 25 properties have been told their recycling services are suspended because they abused the collection…
Waipā’s primary industry is continuing to buffer the district from the economic fall-out of Covid-19. In a quarterly report to the Waipā District Counicl this week, Wellington firm Infometrics said Waipā continued to hold up…
An appeal for new blood in the Te Awamutu Justice of the Peace community through the Te Awamutu News last week has come up trumps. Ann Rawson, chairperson of the Te Awamutu branch of the…
Hamilton Airport has resisted Covid by bouncing back with more domestic flights using bigger aircraft. Immediately before the Covid lockdown the airport was operating an average of 155 flights in and out of Hamilton via…
District councils across the region are reviewing their Māori ward policy in the wake of last week’s abolition of the power of veto by voters. Legislation pushed by Local Government Minister Nanaia Mahuta places the…
Te Awamutu-born author Scott Bainbridge is the first of several authors lined up to give public talks during Waipā District Libraries’ Author Month. Scott will talk about his books and some of his upcoming projects…
The rollout of Waikato’s vaccination program continues. It began Thursday 25 when 28 Waikato District Health Board vaccinators received ied the first of two doses at the dedicated Covid-19 vaccination centre. The following day at…
A parkour zone is to be built in Te Awamutu. The zone is one part of a wider refresh to the Centennial Park concept plan, which was presented to the Te Awamutu Community Board last…
A parish which has been dormant for decades will be active again on Sunday. The Rātana movement, described as a church and pan-iwi political movement, was founded by Tahupōtiki Wiremu Rātana in early 20th-century and…
Steps are being taken to recruit more Justices of the Peace in Te Awamutu, both to boost numbers and bring younger people on board. Ann Rawson, chairperson of the Te Awamutu branch of the Waikato…