Local News

Positive results from facilities 

Attendance at Waipā’s two community facilities in Te Awamutu and Cambridge is up 30.5 per cent, or nearly 60,000 more visitors, over the previous year. The financial year, which ended on June 30, was described by…

Ministry v social media

The Health Ministry is facing a barrage of claims that the Covid vaccine is a tester for mass genocide, has left multiple people been in intensive care units and reports of deaths are removed from…

Water tower’s days numbered 

By Mary Anne Gill and Viv Posselt Kihikihi’s Turata Water Tower will be demolished despite a rear-guard action from some members of the community who say they want it retained and covered with a mural….

MPs in accord on youth parliament

By Luke East They are political rivals, but Angela Roberts and Barbara Kuriger are agree on one thing – young people should consider applying to be part of the 10th New Zealand Youth Parliament. Young…

Leave our water alone ……

Getting all six Cambridge-based Waipā District councillors together on the banks of the Waikato River early in the morning for a photograph is proof of just how against they are to the Three Waters Reform….

Growing pains and gains

‘We can’t just keep allowing greenfield developments; our communities and our environment can’t afford it.’ – Bill Wasley. A 30-year growth strategy for Waikato has been released for the public to comment on. Future Proof…

Covid moves south

October 7, 2021 – Waipā will be in level 3 lockdown from 11.59pm today. There are 29 Covid cases in the community today, including five in Waikato – prompting the current boundary to be extended…

Kihikihi on a roll

The Kihikihi Residents and Ratepayers’ Association is claiming a significant victory for their community following the adoption of a Kihikihi Urban Development Plan. Chair Peter Fraser told The News Waipā District Council ignored Kihikihi when…

Teaming up for a doctorate 

By Stephen Ward Three Te Wānanga o Aotearoa staff have been awarded doctorates in raranga – traditional Māori weaving – after joined-up study through Auckland University of Technology’s Te Ipukarea Research Centre. It’s seen as…

Parkour course planned 

By Luke East A new parkour course, aimed to provide 12- to 17-year-olds with something exciting and physical to do, is   be built near the Te Awamutu skate park. Parkour involves traversing obstacles in a man-made…

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