Local News

News in brief ….

Mayor hospitalised Waipā mayor Jim Mylchreest had a 24-hour stint in Waikato Hospital on an antibiotic drip last week when his chest infection worsened. Mylchreest said yesterday he had a high fever which settled down…

On the Front Line – Life of a vaccinator

A Waipā nurse vaccinator on Covid’s front line says she’s convinced mobile vans going into Waikato’s far flung rural areas is the answer to reaching the 90 per cent fully vaccinated target. Michelle Edge, who works for Waikato…

Why the Max factor was necessary

Ōtorohanga Mayor Max Baxter deserves high praise for breaking a Covid mould. Since the arrival of Covid, the government, health boards and local bodies have staged managed information releases where and when they want. Mayor…

Anger at Three Waters call

Waipā District Council and Federated Farmers have reacted angrily to the government’s decision to take away its water assets in favour of four new mega entities. Local Government minister Nanaia Mahuta made the announcement yesterday…

Focus on ….

Today we introduce a new feature where we talk to people in the news and people who make the news. Focus on will be a regular addition to the News. Who do you think we…

In the Repair Shop today…

Some unusual items arrive at the Te Awamutu Menzshed for repair. Few would be more interesting – or more a challenge – than an Antique Auguste Reidemeister French Tricycle horse, made in France in the…

“A young entrepreneur in the making” 

Twelve-year-old Te Awamutu Intermediate student, Lucas Sloan, has been praised by the community for his gardening prowess and business initiative. Last week Lucas enlisted the help of his Mum, Racheal Simmonds, to make a Facebook…

Well and truly successful

An award-winning food producer says Kaipaki, where she lives and runs Well & Truly Artisan Pantry, is the “best kept secret around”. Sue Loder has won the bountiful table category in the NZI Rural Women…

Short story quest starts 

Organisers of the 2022 Cambridge Autumn Festival Short Story Competition hope this year’s theme of ‘Carpe Diem’, or ‘seize the day’, will inspire writers to enter. The nationwide competition is now open. Cambridge Autumn Festival…

History lesson: Our links to Egypt’s consul 

By Luke East  One hundred and 10 years ago the Consul-General of Egypt died – he was Sir Eldon Gorst, a man with Te Awamutu connections – the son of Sir John Gorst, the former…

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