Local News

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News contributions: At Good Local Media we can’t always be at your event or assign a reporter to do interviews – but you can still get your story in the Cambridge News and Te Awamutu…

Threat at Waipā council

The office has now reopened. 22 August 5.23pm Waipā District Council staff received a threat by telephone this afternoon from a person in relation to a dog issue. As per normal process, council advised police…

Taggers, vandals hit region

Graffiti and vandalism in Waipā are on the increase, particularly in Cambridge, and district councillors are asking whether community artwork is the answer. It costs ratepayers thousands of dollars each year to fix up council…

Memorial Park fight continues

More than a year after its concept plan was adopted, confusion and disappointment still surround the proposed changes to Te Awamutu’s War Memorial Park. To “remind people of the park’s original purpose”, signs were placed…

Shots fired over new bridge

Long-standing Waipā councillor Clare St Pierre is “concerned” two Cambridge councillors have predetermined views on a third bridge over the Waikato River and say they should not be part of a project working group preparing…

No kinks in this bridge

It only took 15 minutes to install, but the replacement bridge that connects Shanel Place to Mutu Street could serve Te Awamutu for generations. Residents and council staff watched as the new bridge was installed…

Four chase Waipa seats

There will be at least one new Waikato King Country representative on the regional council when votes are counted in the local body elections. Stu Kneebone’s constituency colleague, Andrew MacPherson, was not among the nominees…

Children put burglars to shame

Te Awamutu Primary School students responded to the news that their town’s “repair shop” had been the target of a burglary, and have raised more than $1000 in support of Menz Shed. “We saw they…

Strike two: thieves return

Te Awamutu’s Menz Shed has lost thousands of dollars to thieves just days after lamenting a burglary which also saw expensive tools stolen. “I think the whole shed is just gutted, absolutely gutted,” said Menz…

Stand and deliver

Today The News introduces the 23 candidates who are running for mayor or a seat on the Waipā District Council. At a time when convincing people to stand – or remain on council – may…

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