Planning ahead for Waipa

Deputy mayor Liz Stolwyk and council finance manager Sarah Davies (right) talk about the Long Term plan with Kihikihi couple Marion and Allan Gauntlett.

Saturday morning walks in the park, pre-sunrise coffees in the Red Kitchen in Te Awamutu – it’s all part of the job for Waipā Disrict Councillors as they initiate feedback for the district’s Long Term Plan.

The Council has gone to the electorate with a plan to spend $2 billion between now and 2031 to keep Waipā flourishing.
Councillors and staff will attend a total of 10 community meetings and 13 events through to April 27.

Kihikihi couple Allan and Marion Gauntlett called in for a coffee at the Red Kitchen and took the opportunity to discuss the plan.

Marion Gauntlett was keen to see what was happening in her community with water and cycleways – and to suggest a playground for the aged.

She thinks it’s a concept Waipā should look at.

London, Berlin and Toronto all have dedicated senior playgrounds, where pensioners congregate and use equipment to exercise – everything from a daily routine, including dancing, to light gymnastics.

Marion thought the information offered in the 56-page Long Term Plan was good, but she would have preferred to see more than the two options proposed in many areas.

The council intends to sign off on the plan at the end of June. The consultation process will include going out the the public and public hearings on May 11 and 12.

For more information go to

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