Paewira backers object to costs

Global Contracting Solutions has filed an objection with Waipā District Council against the cost of its resource consent application to build a waste to energy plant in Te Awamutu.

Penny Simmonds

The application will be heard by a Board of Inquiry chaired by Environment Court Judge Brian Dwyer in June. It was called in by Environment Minister Penny Simmonds on the grounds of its national significance.

The News has learned Global Contracting Solutions filed its objection to resource consent costs on November 29 last year, the day after we reported that Waipā District Council was drafting a submission against the application to build and operate the plant at 401 Racecourse Road.

Paewira Energy-from-Waste project director Adam Fletcher told The News he would prefer not to comment on the objection “since we are in consultation”.

Global Contracting Solutions is objecting to paying $52,854 of the almost $101,811 fee charged by Waipā.

District Growth and Regulatory Services group manager Wayne Allan said in a report that went to the Strategic Planning and Policy committee last year, the objection was received outside of the statutory timeframe.

Wayne Allan

“Consideration is being given to deciding whether to accept the objection. As yet, no decision has been made. Any hearing of the cost objection will need to be by an independent hearing commissioner.”

The Board of Inquiry does not have the authority to commission or request Global Contracting Solutions to supply comprehensive independent reports on application’s potential impacts.

That prompted a call for prime minister Christopher Luxon to step in and review the application.

Don’t Burn Waipā member Eoin Fitzpatrick wrote the potential impacts and risks were highlighted by Waipā District Council, Fonterra, Fire and Emergency New Zealand and Tainui.”

Fitzpatrick’s email was passed on to Penny Simmonds who said in a statement: “I am aware that there is considerable interest in this proposal, especially from Waipā district residents. I am mindful that the submission process for this proposal, managed by the Board of Inquiry that was established for this process, is still in progress. It is important that this independent process takes place as intended within the parameters of the Resource Management Act.”

An artist’s impression of the proposed plant.


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