A six week project to rebuild part of the road through Ōhaupō has been completed.

The work involved a 520-metre-long structural asphalt road rebuild and the New Zealand Transport Agency said it was extensive and complicated.
Workers dug down 450mm to remove the existing road surface and built it back up layer by layer to achieve a smooth asphalt road surface.
It was found that the underlying ground strength was poor, so the new road was reconstructed using four layers of asphalt to build it back up to the original height.
The work was part of the government’s $2.07 billion investment into road and drainage renewal and maintenance across 2024-27 via the State Highway Pothole Prevention fund.
Meanwhile at Rukuhia a road rebuild is expected to be completed late this month Rukuhia Road and Narrows Road. A southbound detour is in place for light vehicles via Raynes Road and Airport Road. Rukuhia Road remain open at all times but will only be left in and left out.

The new look road through Ōhaupō.