Bridges, books and graves

The driving of the first pile of the new ferro-concrete bridge over the Mangaohoi Stream at Te Awamutu was an occasion of ceremony.

The pile-driving ceremony on first ferro-concrete bridge in Te Awamutu County.

The chairman of the County Council was unfortunately not present, but Mr Teasdale, the member for the Rangiaowhia Riding, was in attendance on behalf of the council.  Mr Teasdale said Te Awamutu was to have the first ferro-concrete bridge in the district, and was to be congratulated on this progressive step. He was pleased to see that at this junction of five roads a bridge which would stand and meet requirements for very many years. The striking of the first blow of the pile-driver by Mr Teasdale was followed by cheers for the council and contractors.

The Rev F W Clarke, coming from Pirongia, had the misfortune to lose his bag containing his robes which were of considerable value to him, and with the exception of the bag, were useless to anyone else. When the loss was discovered, he drove all the way back to Pirongia, but failed to discover any trace of the missing articles, and he heard no more tidings of them. The bag was stamped on the side with the gilt letters F W C.

A social and dance in aid of funds for the public library took place in the Te Rore schoolroom. The building was well filled with an audience that came from all the surrounding districts. At the conclusion of the programme the chairman said he had a very pleasant task to perform, that of making a presentation to Miss J J Brooks on the occasion of her resigning her position as schoolmistress.

He spoke of the good work done by Miss Brooks during her stay in the district, and said she had always been a ready and enthusiastic helper in all social matters, acting as accompanist at nearly all the social functions, besides taking an active part herself in these gatherings. Her amiable disposition had endeared her to everyone. Mr McKinnon also spoke of the readiness of Miss Brooks to assist in anything she was called upon; in fact he added she was always the ‘busy bee.’ The presentation


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