Grants value underlined

An appeal not to gut their discretionary grant allocation will be part of  the Te Awamutu-Kihikihi Community Board’s submission on Waipā District Council’s long term plan.

Jill Taylor

Member Jill Taylor warned at the board’s latest meeting the proposed cuts would be devastating.

The plan will be signed off at the end of June after the council considers submissions.

At their latest meeting members heard further applications from some of the 16 groups seeking a total of just over $36,000 for help to get them over humps, rather than entirely fund operations.

In 2023 29 groups sought $55,000.

One such worthy 2024 case was put up by the Te Awamutu Football Club when representatives Dave Hall and Dave O’Keefe outlined the club’s work in providing junior football.

It was seeking $1000 towards an upgrade of toilet facilities – and provision of a drinking fountain – at Selwyn Park.

The club boasts six senior and 34 junior teams and when Selwyn Park – one of three venues it uses –  is catering for over 300 people on a Saturday, toilet and drinking facilities are found wanting.

Hall explained the club owned the building on the park was responsible for its maintenance. It had already added a second toilet and was budgeting for a total spend of $3500 for the latest project.

“I didn’t realise how popular your sport was,” Taylor said.

Among other applications were two for $5000 – one from the Kihikihi Alpha Restoration Fund and the other from the Te Awamutu Light Operatic Scoiety.

Ko Wai Au Trust wanted $1440 to support young people obtain learner licences and, looking for just $250, the Waikato Role-Playing  Guild wanted help for an event it planned in Waipā.


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