Site visits up

Visits to Te Awamutu News website continue to soar.

There was a 227 per cent increase in numbers last month over the same period last year and thousands ahead of January.

The best read online story was firefighters dealing to a Ōhaupō blaze at Andrew Reymer’s farm followed by our report about new rules for kiwifruit orchards.

Third was the plan for a sports hub in Pirongia, then Bill Harris’ support for Global Contracting Solutions resource consent application to build and run a Waste to Energy incinerator in Racecourse Road.

Rounding out the top five was our report on why farmers have a few weeks to wait to learn the extent of a Waikato Regional Council water quality plan change on their operations.

Our home page was the most visited with Publications – links to the full version of our newspaper – in second with Contact us in third.

Te Awamutu News

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