News … in brief

In Business

Val Glenn and Graeme Burton enjoying their homestead garden, with some of Graeme’s topiaries in the background.  Photo: Viv Posselt

Waikato Business News’ March edition is out this week and features the first students studying for a Master of Pharmacy practice degree at Waikato University. Rukuhia couple Graeme Burton and Val Glenn have turned their respective talents into separate businesses, we meet a young man training to become a blacksmith, and find out how three young women went on to own Hamilton’s largest dancing school. See more:

Tickets on sale

Honey Hireme-Smiler

New Zealand sport legend Honey Hireme-Smiler, 43, will serve as the master of ceremonies at the Waipā Networks Business Awards Gala on May 2.

Renowned for an illustrious career that includes four World Cup victories and representing the silver fern in league, rugby, sevens, and nines, Hireme will add to the allure of the prestigious event honouring the district’s businesses and people that strive for excellence.

Entertainment for the evening includes performances by New Zealand’s finest jazz ensemble, the Nairobi Trio, while stylish cigarette girls welcome guests with superbly crafted, 1920s-inspired cocktails.

Hill dies

Rosemary Hill

Rosemary Hill, 94, a former Waipā deputy mayor and The News 2019 person of the year, has died. Her legacy ties her to several Cambridge organisations including the former borough council, community board, the Community Health and Community Trust, Community House and the Arts Council. She taught at Cambridge High School for 20 years. The News will publish a full obituary soon.

Dear hunters…

The Department of Conservation is sending a message to hunters entering this year’s Pureora Hunting Competition – please target both hinds and stags. The information gleaned will provide DOC with more information on the forest’s deer herd. The competition is managed by DOC’s Maniapoto team with support from the NZ Deerstalkers Association. It will run from March 15 to April 27.

Bus boost

Back to school, work and tertiary studies have influenced an increase in regional bus patronage,  and numbers on Cambridge and Te Awamutu-Kihikihi services to Hamilton both went close to 13,000 each last month. The 120 who caught the South Waikato Connector from Cambridge and the 403 who caught the Te Kūiti Connector from Kihikihi, Te Awamutu and Ōhaupō, helped tumble previous records.

Consents up

Waipā District Council recorded a 13 per cent increase in building consents in the quarter between October 1 and December 31 compared to the same period in 2023. But code compliance certificates were down 28 per cent to 218 in the last three months of 2024.

Run on Sunday

The Waipā Fun Run organised by St Peter’s Catholic School will start in Victoria Square, Cambridge on Sunday morning. The family event featured  5 and 10km run/walks, a 5km team challenge, and a 2km school challenge. The schools event attracted 22 schools in 2024.

Creative fund

Creative New Zealand’s Waipā Creative Communities Scheme fund of $31,750 has opened for applications and close later this month. Individuals, groups and organisations can apply for grants, typically ranging from $500 and $5000.

Houstoun venue

Michael Houstoun will make his first appearance at the Autumn festival. Photo: Pete Monk Photography

Concert pianist Michael Houstoun and blues singer songwriter Hammond Gamble are performing in Cambridge’s Woolshed in Te Awa Lifecare Village not Te Awamutu Lifecare Village (February 20). The News apologises for having a keyboard that auto predicts!

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