A councillor’s demise

Robert Bruce was preparing on the morning of June 7, 1894, to attend to his duties as a Raglan county councillor.

This was routine for the 41-year-old Scotsman who in his public capacity was also Whatawhata school committee chairman and Te Awamutu Mounted Rifles captain. He took a great interest in public affairs and was known for his energy and assertiveness.

As he endeavoured to release his horse at his Whatawhata farm, it jumped over some rails but caught on the top bar.  Just as the animal got clear it lashed out, kicking Robert in the abdomen. Dr Brewis, of Hamilton, was at once sent for and on arrival administered remedies which greatly lessened the pain. Great sympathy was felt for Robert’s wife, Elizabeth, and their eight young children. The affair was purely an accident, the horse being a young and timid one.

Around five days later Robert was said to be considerably easier and Dr Brewis reported favourably on his case.  But Robert gradually deteriorated and about 17 days after the accident he was taken to Waikato Hospital in a very bad state.  Dr Brewis felt that with good nursing and skilful medical treatment Robert would recover.  Dr Waddington, of Cambridge, and Dr Kenny, of the hospital, were consulted and they considered performing an operation, but felt there was some risk.

Robert Bruce’s family had taken a risk in 1865 when they immigrated to New Zealand on board the Ida Zeigler.   Robert was 12 when they made the journey of 83 days. The family settled near Te Awamutu.  When Robert was 18, he joined the Te Awamutu Cavalry and being a smart soldier and a good horseman, he soon rose to be sergeant.  He married Margaret in 1879 and in the early 1880s the family went to reside near Raglan.  Later they purchased and settled on a farm near Whatawhata.  He rose steadily through the Te Awamutu Calvary ranks, in 1888 becoming its captain. Although comparatively young at 35, Robert was considered the father of the troop.  He was a popular officer, ruling his men with kindness but firmness.  By 1891 the Te Awamutu Calvary corps had dwindled away, and the old military volunteering spirit seemed dead. Robert reorganised the group under the name of the Waikato Mounted Rifles.

Fourteen days after his admission to hospital Robert was pronounced almost out of danger – but later that night he declined so seriously a messenger was despatched for Margaret.  Robert died at 3am the next day.  A wide-spread feeling of sorrow spread through the district.

About 500 people attended Robert’s military funeral.  In the procession was the firing party with arms reversed, the Hamilton Band with muffled drum, and the hearse followed by Robert’s horse with boots and spurs reversed.  At St John’s cemetery, Te Awamutu, the coffin was covered with the Union Jack, and laid on top were Robert’s sword, tunic, hat, and gloves. Three volleys were fired in the air in a poignant last salute.

Dr Brewis with Waikato Mounted Rifles 1902

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