Letters to Editor – 26 September 2024

1080 issue

Cr Graf’s anti-1080 rant, yet again, in the regional councillor column (The News, September 19) represents a very small view of a few individuals, and cannot go unchallenged.

If the silent majority who support protection of our native wildlife had listened to his misinformation nonsense, and then advocated to stop 1080 use across New Zealand, many of our taonga species, such as mohua/yellowhead, kōkako, kākāpō, whio/blue duck, pīwauwau/rock wren and titipounamu/rifleman, to name just a few, would be on the brink of extinction.

Former Prime Minister Norm Kirk once said “you can never argue someone out of an illogical position if that’s how they got there in the first place”. So true. We are lucky to have the world class predator free wildlife sanctuary at Maungatautari right on our doorstep. 1080 and other toxins played a vital role in this achievement.

Peter Russell


Letters to Editor

Bihoro visit

Maybe my advancing years are affecting my powers of deduction more than I thought as, having read your report (The News, September 19) about the delegation heading off to Bihoro in Japan a number of times, it is still not clear to me whether the seven person “delegation” are all paying their own way or whether the four elected people involved will be enjoying yet another junket at ratepayers expense.

I have spoken to a number of people who are similarly confused on this point. If they are paying their own way then that is well and good. However if ratepayers are going to have to stump up yet again (as they have in the past for trips to France and paying for people from France and Japan to come to Cambridge) while essential services like unblocking drains, repairing damaged footpaths, improving inadequate street lighting, repairing water leaks (one of which has been wasting water since at least August 20 and probably before) then that is again unacceptable.

In the absence of absolute clarity in your report  I lean towards the possibility of a nice little junket. But I would be elated to be proven wrong. Over to you!

Kelvin Dunn


Editor’s note: They are paying their own way. Homestay accommodation will be provided in Bihoro as part of the sister city relationship, but travel and other expenses will be funded by candidates, with any council costs limited to an official $200 gift for the delegation.

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