Calls that made a difference

How the last week panned out for Te Awamutu police.

Ryan Fleming

Monday – Police attended a shoplifting incident, investigated an attempted burglary and attended a family harm incident at a medical centre. Thanks to those who saw something wrong and called Police. We were asked to transport a mental health patient and attended another family harm matter.

Tuesday – We attended two burglaries and a mental health incident. Police conducting a foot patrol were requested to trespass a female from a supermarket. We received a report of graffiti and attended three family harm incidents. We are also investigating an assault as result of a road rage incident.

Wednesday – Police received a report of damage to a vehicle while it was parked, a male breached his bail conditions and police attended two family harm incidents, one of which resulted in a trespass notice being served.

Thursday – We attended five family harm incidents, received reports of a vehicle doing burnouts and received a report of shoplifting. Bones found at a construction site and an analysis revealed they were historic animal bones. Police served a Protection Order on behalf of the Court and were called to a residential street after a member of public observed a teenager trying door handles on vehicles. He was located and arrested. It was another great example of calling 111 instead of merely posting to the Facebook grapevine pages. A male was transported to Waikato hospital for a mental health assessment.

Friday – A male was found to be driving with excess breath alcohol.  Police attended a family harm matter, arrested a male for breach of a protection order, arrested a male for making a hoax 111 call and attended a disorder on Alexandra Street.

Saturday – Police attended three burglaries, an alcohol fuelled disorder at a rural property, a mental health incident and six family harm incidents. We received a report of shoplifting, arrested a male for possession of cannabis, attended a disorder matter and received a report of theft from a motor vehicle.

Sunday – We received a report of a suspicious male looking at properties in Kihikihi. Police located a male driving with excess breath alcohol and attended a family harm report. We received a report of shoplifting and were called following a sudden death.

Ryan Fleming outside Te Awamutu Police Station.

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