Fewer on the buses

Waikato-King Country regional bus passenger numbers dipped last month and are likely to take another hit this month.

Fares for Busit and Te Huia train services increased from July 1 and with two weeks of school holidays, the numbers using public transport are unlikely to reach the heady days in May when records fell as services increased.

On the (Regional) buses, the Te Awamutu 24

Figures supplied to The News by Waikato Regional Council showed 9419 people used the 20 Cambridge service in June – down 2211 on the previous month – and 10,476 hopping on board the 24 Kihikihi – Te Awamutu run – down 2535.

But disturbingly for the regional council, numbers on the 32 Tokoroa and 26 Te Kūiti connectors continue to plummet. Only 800 passengers travelled on the South Waikato service and 817 on the King Country run.

Both are heavily subsidised services and local authorities in South Waikato, Waitomo and Ōtorohanga will be asking questions of the regional council as their budgets tighten.

Government subsidies for age-based public transport fares – part of the extended Community Connect scheme – ended nationwide on April 20 but the regional council maintained the fares until June 30.

Free fares for children aged 12 and under and half-price fares for people aged 24 and under ended then.

Half-price fares on Total Mobility services and for Community Services Card holders will remain as they were part of the original Community Connect scheme. So too will free travel for SuperGold card holders.

When passengers use a Bee Card, the regional council has a weekly fare cap – 6.5 trips for children aged 5-18 and nine for adults.

Packed buses are a feature of the Te Awamutu and Cambridge to Hamilton routes.

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