Here’s how last week shaped up for Te Awamutu police…

Ryan Fleming
Monday – A driver fled after a series of burglaries. Police attended two family harm incidents, a minor motor vehicle collision and a self-harm incident.
Tuesday – Police received a report of graffiti in Kihikihi. Police attended a minor motor vehicle collision, two warrants to arrest were issued by the Te Awamutu District Court. Police attended a family harm incident and received a report of a Facebook market place scam. We investigated a breach of protection order, attended a mental health incident and a shoplifting incident was reported.
Wednesday – We attended a burglary, a motor vehicle collision between a motorist and a pedestrian, a threatening behaviour incident, a family harm incident and a case of a female breaching bail conditions. An intoxicated male causing issues in the CBD was trespassed from a bottle stores. A vehicle was stolen from a rural property. Police received yet another report of a scam Facebook marketplace. Police arrested a female with a warrant to arrest and conducted enquiries into a missing teenager. A youth was found driving with excess breath alcohol (The limit is zero for under 20 years).
Thursday – Police attended a burglary and a lengthy mental health incident. We received a driving complaint, a report of significant shoplifting at a supermarket and attended two family harm incidents.
Friday – Police attended a family harm incident, received a report of a threatening behaviour incident via text messaging, issued a Police Safety Order as a result of a family harm incident, received a report of threatening behaviour, and dealt with a male who breached his bail.
Saturday – Police interrupted two youth interfering with vehicles and we assisted in an investigation in Te Kūiti. We attended a burglary, arrested a female shoplifter, attended three family harm incidents, a male was arrested for driving dangerously and another breached bail conditions, Police received a report of a breach of protection order, a male was caught shoplifting and three people were found to be driving over the limit for alcohol.
Sunday – Police attended a burglary at a commercial premises, a male breached his bail conditions and we attended a family harm matter.