A show and a jaw dropping episode

A maypole dance by school children was held at intervals in the school close to the Te Awamutu Town Hall during the Waikato West flower show and Fancy Fete.

The weather was lovely and the show was largely attended. There was an excellent display of flowers, and a number of side shows, comprising guessing competitions, and demonstrations of the stereoscope, phonograph, telephone, and galvanic battery. There were also box making and hat trimming competitions for men, and a baby show, which excited a great deal of attention and assisted materially in swelling the funds.

Refreshments at moderate prices were provided all day by the ladies of the Anglican Church who also manned a stall selling plain and fancy work.

A rather unusual accident happened to a young Ōhaupō girl when, on rising one morning she yawned, and opening her mouth rather wide dislocated her jaw.   She could not shut her mouth again and had to be taken at once to Dr Pairman, who soon put matters right.

Also at Ōhaupō a pleasant and enjoyable ball was given by the members of the Gymnastic Club. It was purely a local affair, with very few outsiders attending. The hall was nicely decorated and not too crowded.  Dancing was kept up with spirit till about 4am, which time was considered by older heads to be too late, and that 2am should be the latest – six hours dancing ought to satisfy the most ardent lover of it.

When some person set fire to the furze (gorse) to the east of Pirongia a fresh breeze carried some sparks which set fire to the house occupied by Hori Tuhawe, who was not at home at the time, but a short distance away. Mr Scott, of Ellerslie, Auckland, a visitor, but once a Pirongia resident, happened to be passing at the time and promptly began getting out Hori’s goods and chattels.  Mr Harper also lent a hand. Judging from the quantities of the miscellaneous articles carried well into the road they appeared to have worked like Trojans.  Hori was most thankful although his house was completely consumed.

Kihikihi had been fortunate in not experiencing a fire of any consequence for many years, but the record was broken when the residents of Mr Floyd’s house, situated close to the Star Hotel, were awakened to find the house filled with smoke. Shortly afterwards the whole building of six rooms was in flames and very few of the contents were saved. Thanks to the absence of wind and the assistance of a few willing helpers, Mr Porter, of the Star Hotel, was able to prevent that building from taking fire. The cause of the fire was quite a mystery as no fire had been lit in the house or been in use the previous evening.

The Maypole Dancers at the Te Awamutu Flower Show



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