Memorial Park playground upgrade

Waipā District Council has taken another step forward with its work at Te Awamutu’s War Memorial Park. Early stages have been met with stiff opposition – what do you think of this plan?

Let us know.

See: Memorial Park fight continues

See: Second footbridge installed.

Te Awamutu War Memorial playground design.

15 February 12.45pm – Waipā District Council media release

A new playground, designed with community input, is being built at Te Awamutu’s War Memorial Park from next week.

The project aligns with part of the concept plan for the park which received over 500 submissions.

Te Awamutu and District Memorial Royal New Zealand Returned and Services Association (RSA), mana whenua and the War Memorial Park Maintenance Group provided input alongside council staff and playground designer Brodie Hailwood to help form the plan for the new playground.

Key features include a timber fort, slide, spinning dish, swing set, balance play, musical play, sensory play, puzzle, a play mound, and slide designed for young children, rest areas and a drinking fountain. A new connecting pathway for improved access will also be added, to connect with the Royal Air Force Bridge and Mangahoe Street.

Community services manager Brad Ward said it was great to receive such valuable feedback from key stakeholders.

“As a direct result, we are adding chicanes near the new bridge to slow bikes and scooters on the path. It is great to be able to bring some of their ideas to life.”

The $460,000 playground was budgeted for as part of the 2021 – 2031 Long Term Plan.

During construction people can use Pioneer Park playground as an alternative, which is a five-minute walk from Memorial Park.

The work is expected to be complete by May.

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