Keep the date free

On March 16 from 9am to noon Te Awamutu Police, Te Awamutu Volunteer   Fire Brigade and St John will host a combined open day.

There are further details to come but we are looking at having static displays to share some of the work we do in our community. We would love to see you there.

Here’s how last week shaped up.

Ryan Fleming

Monday – Police recovered a vehicle after it was stolen during a burglary. We received a report of wilful damage at a petrol station, an elderly male was reported missing and subsequently located, several vehicles were interfered with at private properties.

Tuesday – Police arrested a group of youths breaking into vehicles, and received a complaint of criminal harassment at a commercial premises, Police attended a family harm incident, a shoplifting, a burglary was reported, and we were called to an assault incident.

Wednesday – Police attended two shoplifting incidents, four males were issued Warrants to Arrest after failing to attend court, police attended a breach of protection order, a male was arrested for assault, we attended a burglary, a minor vehicle collision, a self-harm incident and a family harm incident.

Thursday – Police arrested a female for  wilful damage and being unlawfully in a building and attended two family harm incidents. A male was found to be driving with excess breath alcohol. Police attended a road rage incident, an assault, two shopliftings, two scams were reported, there was a wilful damage and a vehicle was reported stolen.

Friday – Police attended an assault, a self-harm incident, a theft from a residential property, a threatening behaviour incident, a male was arrested after threatening to kill and being in possession of a knife, a burglary at a residential property and a family harm incident.

Saturday – Police received a report of a burglary, a family harm exacerbated by alcohol, an assault, two breach of protection orders, threatening behaviour and a minor motor vehicle collision.

Sunday – A male was found driving with excess breath alcohol, Police attended three family harm incidents and a motor vehicle collision.



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