School time for super heroes

Brax Morris is starting at Te Awamutu Primary School. Photo: Jeremy Smith

Thousands of youngsters are preparing to check off a milestone in coming weeks – the first day of school.

Among them are two Te Awamutu friends Brax Morris and Emlyn Richards, who attended Learning Links Childcare together – and are preparing their Batman and Spiderman backpacks.

In Brax’ case he reckons he knows what the most important item on the ‘to do’ list is as school preparations ramp up – a Batman backpack.

And by that metric, it’s job done.

Mum Sam though isn’t so sure – there’s still the school uniform and required stationery to collect next week, before Brax starts at Te Awamutu Primary School at the end of the month.

In 2024, Term 1 starts between January 29 and February 7.

And for Brax, the start of the school year can’t come fast enough, dad Regan said.

“Absolutely, he’s been excited about starting school for about six months,” Sam agreed.

“It will be fun,” Brax said.

Brax’ sister, eight-year-old Ella, is also looking forward to another year at Pokuru School.

In Kihikihi, Emlyn is delighted to have got his new uniform, which he proudly displayed for The News.

While mum Shayna said Emlyn has “mixed feelings” ahead of term 1, there is a theme developing which she reckons will help make the transition easier – a Spiderman backpack, lunch box and drink bottle.

“What can I say, he just loves all things Spiderman,” Shayna said.

Emlyn Richards will attend Kihikihi School. Photo: Jeremy Smith

Another positive is the fact Emlyn will join his brother, eight-year-old Desmond, at Kihikihi School.

“It is a great environment and the fact it’s nice and close to us makes it really helpful.”

Meanwhile, 2023 marked the completion of Te Awamutu College’s first year under an
enrolment scheme, which appears to have run smoothly.

Soon after college students return, they can expect to make use of the newly completed multipurpose sports complex.

There were delays in opening the complex, which was originally slated for completion in October.

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