Kihikihi hit by burglars

Police are seeking information about three burglaries in Kihikihi over the Christmas period while CommSafe are telling residents to keep an eye out on the neighbourhood following reports about suspicious people and vehicles.

The TV was taken from the Kihikihi Rugby Sports Club wall. Photo: Supplied.

In the early hours of Christmas Day, the Kihikihi Rugby Sports Club was broken into. Intruders targeted the bar and made off with alcohol and also caused damage by ripping the television off its bracket. They allegedly cut the alarm wire while there.

The Star Tavern was hit on December 27 with alcohol taken and a CCTV monitor damaged.

Finally a double-storey house near The Domain was hit sometime between December 23-27 with several items taken including a Christmas hamper, a new fireplace, jewellery, lawn mower, camera and other assorted items.

Facebook community groups are also reporting suspicious activity around the village.

CommSafe Neighbourhood Support are telling residents that if they get the feeling something is not right about someone they see acting suspiciously, then “listen to your gut feeling” and phone the police on 111.

Get car registration details, make, model of vehicle and note the time. If the vehicle or people have moved on report it through the 105 police non emergency service. New Zealand Police also has a stolen vehicles page, CommSafe said to check whether a vehicle has been reported stolen.

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