Each week in the news we read about local stories, some of which are positive, and others are challenging to process.

Phil Strong
Sadly, I recently read online about a family who had lost their son’s bike (and other things) as thieves had paid them a visit one night.
Christmas is a season of joy, that is true, but sometimes our joy is laced with an undercurrent of sadness. In other news, our daughter married her beau this year, which has been an ongoing source of joy for our family. But, as happens when two families join, this year we will not have the newlyweds at our Christmas table.
It’s a moment of joy laced with sadness. And that’s life. In other news, the Zion Church family moved locations this year which has provided excitement around the future and sadness at the end of a 40-year season on Racecourse Road.
Looking forward to grasp the future always requires letting go of some kind. Joy is often laced with sadness. Christmas is a time when we remember the arrival of the Son of God who came into this world so that sons of men could also become sons of God. This event demonstrates hope personalised, promise realised, and the pathway to salvation clarified.
Amidst the suffering of the world, then and now, hope arrives for everyone in the Person of Jesus Christ. And yet, amid this joyful receiving, we find sadness. Not all who celebrate Christmas will celebrate Jesus. And that is sad, because Jesus is the reason for the season. – Pastor Phil Strong