Mick Henderson at Te Awamutu Golf Club during last week’s 2023 Disability Golf New Zealand Open.
Photo: Jeremy Smith
A $50,000 paragolfer cart could be in use at Te Awamutu Golf Club within a year.
Money for the cart were raised at a golf tournament last week organised by Mick Henderson.
Henderson and John Troutbeck were instrumental in bringing the Disability Golf New Zealand Open to Te Awamutu for the first time.
The News reported in August that Henderson was helping drive fundraising efforts towards buying the cart, designed to help golfers living with a disability play.
The only cart in use in the country at present is in Turangi.
The plan is for Disability Golf New Zealand to buy a paragolfer cart and make it available at golf courses around New Zealand, including Te Awamutu.
Henderson, 74, had both legs amputated below the knees after being diagnosed with a hereditary blood circulation problem.
About $25,000 – half the money needed for the cart – has been raised. The total has been boosted by $11,000 from funds raised at the open in Te Awamutu and a donation from Eves Real Estate.
“Having it here will be absolutely life changing for so many people,” Henderson said.
“There are some people who have never stood up in their lives who we will be able to give the opportunity to play golf.”