The bicycle decorating competition, Te Awamutu.
A most successful flower show and fancy fete was held at Te Awamutu. Known as the Waikato West flower show, it was held in the Town Hall and blessed with beautiful weather. There was an excellent display of flowers, and a number of side shows, comprising guessing competitions and the curious attractions of the working of the stereoscope, phonograph, telephone and galvanic battery. A Maypole dance, box making and hat trimming competitions for men, and baby show – which excited a great deal of attention – all assisted materially in swelling the funds.
Kihikihi however was not at all floral and the Town Board met to discuss the matter of the nuisance caused by the growth of gorse in the streets and the practice of allowing cattle to roam the roads without any restriction whatever. A prolonged discussion ensued on the matter, and the Board finally determined that they could do nothing. The clerk was, however, instructed to issue a request to all owners of cattle in the Town District, asking them to paddock their cattle from 6pm to 6am the following day.
At Pirongia, when the colonel commanding the district inspected the Volunteer Mounted Rifles, there was a small muster on parade, only some 15 of all ranks. The Colonel inquired as to the reason of so meager an attendance, but received no satisfactory explanation and for some time there was silence. At last, one man replied that they were absent on account of being at work on the government road. “And when,” inquired the Colonel, “do you think they will have completed their Government work?” Another long pause; then replied the same innocent young trooper, “when the elections are over, I suppose sir”. A smile passed all over the troops, a smile that could be heard, and the Colonel sought no more enlightenment as to the absent ones.
A chess match between the Hamilton and Te Awamutu Clubs was held at Te Awamutu, five players from the Hamilton Chess Club travelling up by the afternoon train and returning next morning. The match had been looked forward to for some time, as the two clubs were old rivals, and the match was the first trial of strength this season. Play was commenced at 4pm shortly after arrival of the train, adjourned at 6 pm and recommenced at 7pm finally stopping at 11.30pm.
The visiting team enjoyed the trip immensely and spoke in high terms of the warm hospitality of their Te Awamutu friends, who spared no pains to make the outing enjoyable. Another match between Te Awamutu and Ngāruawāhia was played by telegraph. Play commenced at 7pm and continued on till about midnight, resulting in a win for Te Awamutu by three games to two. The three telegraph men received the thanks of the clubs for their careful operating.