Ryan Fleming
Here’s a look at how the week panned out for police in Te Awamutu.
Monday – Police attended two vehicle collisions, a family harm involving damage to property, a shoplifting incident was reported, we transported a mental health patient to Waikato Hospital and recovered a stolen motor vehicle.
Tuesday – A vehicle was unlawfully taken. Police were involved with a fleeing driver incident, there was a theft from a motor vehicle, a motor vehicle collision, a burglary of outdoor furniture, and a woman was issued a trespass notice after shoplifting. The male involved in Monday’s shoplifting incident returned to the store wearing the same clothing he had stolen. He presented a knife at the retailer and stole more items. A man was arrested a short time later and charged with aggravated robbery. Police also attended three family harm incidents.
Wednesday – Police attended a breach of protection order incident, which involved a mental health issue. A mental health incident resulted in a male being sectioned and transported to Waikato Hospital. During a burglary a motor vehicle was unlawfully taken and subsequently found and a male was found to be driving with excess breath alcohol.
Thursday – A male youth breached bail when police conducted a curfew check at his home, a male suffered a mental health incident, and another male was defrauded through a Facebook buy and sell page. Police attended a care home where a female became aggressive to staff, a teenager was reported missing by her mother, a youth breaching bail was seen attempting to break into a vehicle and is now before the court. A shoplifter was reported at a supermarket, a male breached his bail and was involved in a family harm matter, police attended a burglary, and a male was arrested for breaching bail.
Friday – Police attended a family harm incident, a suspicious male was spoken to by police who found him with a crowbar. Police also attended a burglary, a family harm and a firearm incident that involved a fleeing driver, an armed traffic stop and eventual arrest with the deployment of the Armed Offender Squad.
Saturday – A motor vehicle collision caused by cattle on the road was reported. Police attended a mental health incident and a family harm.
Sunday – Police attended a serious motor vehicle collision on Kihikihi Road.