Pedestrian dies after accident

A woman has died after being hit by a truck in Te Awamutu this morning.

Police were called to the scene on Alexandra St at around 10.45am, and Te Awamutu police constable Ryan Fleming told The News an 81-year-old pedestrian died at the scene.

A stretch of Alexandra St from the roundabout at the intersection of Arawata and Sloane streets to Bank Street and Market St from Alexandra St to Mahoe St, as well as a section of Roche St, was closed for several hours while emergency services were at the scene.

Fleming said police and emergency services were grateful for the help of witnesses as they worked to piece together what happened.

Police understand this was a distressing crash to witness and enquiries into the circumstances continue, a media statement said.

The road was opened at 2.30pm.

If you witnessed the crash this morning and want someone to speak to, Victim Support is available 24/7 and can be contacted via 0800 842 846.

More to come.







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