Crashes and counterfeits

Ryan Fleming

Monday – Police located a male asleep in a crashed car on a rural road. It is suspected that the driver was affected by an unknown substance. Police attended a family harm incident that was a result of a mental health episode and three other family harm events. A matter was reported to police involving an acrimonious employment dispute that has resulted in threats being made, Police transported a male to hospital on behalf of medical staff. A theft was reported at a gym, police attended a self-harm incident, a drug induced mental health incident and an assault at a supermarket. A man was arrested and charged for threatening behaviour and police attended a motor vehicle collision.

Tuesday – A male on bail was arrested for an assault, police were called to a store about a potential shoplifter. A male was discovered to be breaching bail. Police attended a family harm matter, a female was threatening self-harm and counterfeit cash was used to make a purchase at bottle store.

Wednesday – We were called after a male was seen on private property via a CCTV camera. Police attended two motor vehicle collisions, an online harassment case was reported, Police received a report of an online scam, a family harm incident where a Police Safety Order was issued and a dispute over a fence was reported. Police attended a motor vehicle collision involving a stolen motor vehicle, a second family harm was attended and a member of the public found a stolen vehicle dumped on Rickit Road.

Thursday – Police conducted a Compulsory Impairment Test on a driver after a motor vehicle collision and served a protection order on behalf of the Court. We attended a mental health incident, a family harm incident resulting in a report of concern to Oranga Tamariki, a second family harm incident and a self-harm incident.

Friday – Police attended four burglaries, a male was arrested for assault during a family harm incident, a male attempted to obtain a refund for a bottle of alcohol purchased with counterfeit cash on Tuesday. A male was reported for breaching his bail.

Saturday – Multiple vehicles were reported broken into in and around Kihikihi.  A vehicle was stolen in Te Awamutu. A scam was reported, police assisted Ōtorohanga staff at a family harm incident. A vehicle was broken into in Te Awamutu and police attended a family harm incident.

Sunday – We attended a motor vehicle collision and attended a family harm incident.  Police attended an unlawful discharge of a firearm incident, two violent family harm incidents and a verbal family harm incident. We also attended a motor vehicle collision.

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