Phillip enjoys a scratch from Te Awamutu St John’s Anglican Parish priest Reverend Julie Guest, left, and his owner Janet Marshall
All creatures great and small were welcome at a mid-week blessing of the pets service at Te Awamutu’s St John’s Anglican Church last week – and three pooches took up the invite.
The oldest among the four-legged attendees was 20-year-old Phillip the corgi.
“He’s just lovely,” owner Janet Marshall told The News.
Services were held worldwide on October 4 with many around the world celebrating the feast day of the Patron Saint of animals, St Francis of Assisi.
In Te Awamutu, the blessing of the pets service was facilitated by Parish of St John’s Te Awamutu priest Reverend Julie Guest.

Jocelyn Taylor with her dog Oskar. Photo: Jeremy Smith
The service was themed around the animal kingdom – with hymns and readings all on theme, including one called All Creatures of Our God And King.
“St Francis was a man who treasured all aspects of creation – including the visitors we have with us here today,” Reverend Guest told the audience.
“In that sense, he encourages us to have an awareness of the fact that by ensuring the wellbeing of creation, we also ensure the wellbeing of others.”
There were, at times, a few barks in agreeance it seemed.
Guest said St Francis was also a man inspired to live with the less fortunate in mind.
“I think an encouragement from his life which we can take away with us today is we shouldn’t consider the many blessings we have been given as simply ours to hold on to.
“Instead, we should use the blessings we’ve been given in service of others,” she said.
A Catholic friar, St Francis, was canonized by Pope Gregory IX in July 1228 and is associated with patronage of both animals and the environment.