Morgan’s new roles

Dale-Maree Morgan

Newly-elected Waipā Māori ward councillor Dale-Maree Morgan has been appointed to a number of external organisations, committees, groups and council advisory groups.

In addition to being on the Maungatautari Reserve committee, Morgan will represent the council on Ngā Pae Whenua Co-Management Board with Ngāti Koroki Kahukura, Co-Management Board with Ngāti Hauā for Pukemako, the Waikato-Tainui and Raukawa Joint Management Agreement committees and the Ngā Wai o Waipā Co-Governance forum as alternate to mayor Susan O’Regan.

Roger Gordon

Roger Gordon has also been selected Waipa’s representative on the Resthaven Trustees Appointments Panel which meets occasionally to fill trustee vacancies on the Resthaven board.

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