Jason in running for hort award

Jason Gwynn will represent the arborist sector at the New Zealand Young Horticulturist finals in November.

Jason, who grew up in Te Awamutu, is an arborist team leader at Waipa Networks Limited. He decided three years ago to join his brother Tyrel there.

While Tyrel has moved on to other things, Jason has been focused on his journey as an arborist. He started as a trainee, last year became a team leader-foreman and now plans to gain a diploma in arboriculture.

Late last year he also competed for Waikato in the New Zealand Tree Climbing Competition and was named New Arborist of the Year, and won the right to represent his sector at the national young horticulturist competition.

At the young horticulturist event he will compete against finalists from the other sections of the New Zealand Young Horticulturist Competition. The sections include Grower of the Year, Amenity Horticulturist, Plant Producer of the Year, Landscaper of the Year, Florist/Flower Grower and Viticulturist of the Year.

“As cheesy as it sounds, I just really love everything about my job,” he said.

Jason Gwynn.

“No two days are the same. The workload is so diverse – one day I could be hedge trimming the next I could be removing large trees over power lines.

“I love the thrill of being sky high maintaining trees, and also seeing the final product of trees that I have worked on.”

He said chainsaws had intrigued from the time her went into the bush with his dad and grandfather collecting firewood. And, with a brother who was an arborist, and a mother who’s a gardener, there are plenty of green thumbs in the family.

Jason, his wife, and their two sons live in Hamilton, but plans are afoot to return to Te Awamutu before summer.

The horticulturist competition will be held on November 7 and 8 in Auckland.

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