Kihikihi’s Alpha Hotel
Community groups appear to be lining up to ask about using spaces available at Kihikihi’s Alpha Hotel once it reopens as a community hub.
In March, The News revealed the Alpha Restoration Group, made up of representatives from surrounding communities and trusts – had been working to re-open the building since its owner, former National MP and Auckland city councillor Arthur Anae, offered for it to be used free of charge in perpetuity.
Ngāti Apakura Runanga Trust chair Bill Harris approached Anae, who has since gifted the lease for the Alpha to the Kihikihi community for as long as it’s used for the community.
While no completion date is set in stone as yet, Harris told The News interest is steadily increasing as work continues.
“We are a group of passionate people who want to see the Alpha up and running again, and we’ve already got lots of people asking us when it’ll be available.”
Te Awamutu Business Chamber chief executive Shane Walsh is among those given a tour to get a sense of the shape the community hub is taking to date.

Bill Harris
“It’s undoubtedly a community asset so it will be wonderful to see it open for use by the public and to observe the benefits which will come from having that space open again.”
Registered by the Historic Places Trust as a category two building, the Alpha Hotel opened in 1867. A second floor was added 15 years later.
When the new community hub is finished, it will feature various spaces such as meeting rooms, a kitchen and dining area and other gathering spaces.
Harris told The News various community groups – and several businesses – had extended offers of help towards the project since it was announced in March.
“It’s going to be wonderful to have a variety of options here for the community.”
The kitchen and dining area is the first to be open, Harris said the hangi for Kihikihi’s Mānawatia a Matariki celebrations was prepared and cooked there.