Kainga Aroha Community House manager Kane Rangitonga, left, with Central Kids Hazelmere Kindergarten kaiwhakaako, head teacher, Tina Singh and Nikau McDougall and Royce Aarts planting the mandarin tree.
Practically speaking, a mandarin tree may have been planted at Central Kids Hazelmere Kindergarten on Tuesday – but seeds of something much bigger are being sown.
For the last five years, staff have been helping the centre’s nearly 40 children, aged 2-5, learn about Matariki – the Māori new year.
Central Kids Hazelmere Kindergarten kaiwhakāko, or head teacher, Tina Singh said planting the tree was a way of acknowledging Papatūānuku, Mother Earth, and the star Tipuarangi, linked to food grown above ground.
She said it was part of a variety of other initiatives planned throughout this week – including a vegetable soup and pyjamas day tomorrow (Friday).
On hand on at Tuesday’s planting was Kainga Aroha Community House manager Kane Rangitonga, who led the children in a short karakia before helping to plant the tree.
“We’ve been discussing the themes of Matariki – including remembrance, celebrating the present and also taking the opportunity to look to the future and set goals and aspirations for ourselves in the coming year,” Tina Singh said.
Kane Rangitonga was delighted to hear the children were taking time to honour and observe Matariki, adding it was an important value to instil while they’re young.