Ryan Fleming
Police had a very busy week last week, but before I start, I would like to remind people that now we are approaching winter and the fog is getting heavier, it is important to stay visible when driving. Using your headlights on your vehicle when the weather is foggy increases your chance of being seen by other motorists.
Monday – We assisted Raglan police with a family harm incident where a male was arrested for assault, assaults police, resists police and breach of a protection order. Police also attended two separate sudden deaths and a family harm incident.
Tuesday – Police had a failing to stop incident involving a stolen vehicle, arrested a male for a third and subsequent driving while disqualified issue, made a referral to Oranga Tamariki in relation to an allegation of an assault, and attended a family harm incident where a male was arrested.
Wednesday – We attended a family harm matter, made a referral to Orange Tamariki, attended a suspicious activity incident at a rural property and a threatening behaviour incident
Thursday – Police attended three family harm incidents, a suspicious activity incident where a female had heard voices and saw torchlight on her property, shoplifting at a commercial premises, summonsed another male for a historic shoplifting, attended a motor vehicle collision, served documents on behalf of the court and attended a burglary where a vehicle was taken. This vehicle was later recovered. We also investigated a fraud matter.
Friday – Police attended a sudden death matter, four family harm incidents where an assault took place and impounded a vehicle for a failing to stop.
Saturday – Police attended a suspicious sudden death and located a male who was subject to active warrants to arrest and attended a motor vehicle collision where the driver was processed for drink driving.
Sunday – We attended a sudden death, investigated an unlawful taking of a motor vehicle matter, attended a shoplifting case, located a male breaching bail, and attended a mental health incident.