Second footbridge installed at War Memorial Park

A crane arrived on site Tuesday to help install the bridge at War Memorial Park.

Summer has finally come to the party and allowed the installation of the long-awaited second footbridge at Te Awamutu’s War Memorial Park.

The bridge near the netball courts arrived on site yesterday (Monday) after months of delays with steel and galvanising suppliers.

Supply delays were compounded by wet and soft ground conditions last year. The call was made to delay the installation until a crane could safety access the site to lift the old bridge out and put the new bridge in. That work began today (Tuesday March 7) and is likely to take two to three weeks before the new bridge is open to the public.

Bryan Hudson

Transportation manager Bryan Hudson said the netball carpark and reserved netball carpark spaces would be out of action for a few days while the bridge and crane were moved onto the site.

“Those carparks should be available again by the weekend, but there will be very restricted pedestrian access around the work site until everything is complete. Ideally, we want people to stay well clear so we can get the installation done as quickly and safely as possible.”

The first new footbridge was installed in the park in June last year as part of a wider plan to improve pedestrian and cycling access across the Mangaohoi Stream. Decorative panels on both bridges are being designed in collaboration with mana whenua and the Te Awamutu Returned and Services Association (RSA).

Further plans for the Te Awamutu War Memorial Park include renewing the aged playground next year, and developing vegetation and management plans. Longer-term projects include reducing the size of the pond and revealing the natural puna (spring), installing a māra hūpara play trail and strengthening connections to the Mangaohoi and Mangapiko Streams through story-telling signage.

The work is part of a major makeover for War Memorial Park approved in June 2021.

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