Sainsbury Reserve plans out for feedback

Sainsbury Road Reserve

Formal consultation will begin later this month on new plans for the Sainsbury Road Reserve in Pirongia.

Work was reactivated last year to optimise work on the popular spot near the Pirongia Mountain Bike Park.

Clare St Pierre

A focus group of community and mana whenua representatives has been working with Council to guide a draft plan in line with community aspirations. The group includes those representing horse riders, mountain bikers, local residents, graziers and the Taiea te Taiao Ecological Corridor Project. The Chair of the Pirongia Community Association Ruth Webb and Waipā District councillor Clare St Pierre are also involved.

Council’s community services manager Brad Ward said he was confident community aspirations and mana whenua values were reflected in the draft plan. Restoring native forest on the reserve is central to recommendations including a mix of exotic and native forestry across 2.8 hectares.

“We’d like to see the implementation progress alongside work being done by other projects, including the Taiea te Taiao Ecological Corridor Project. And there’s a real desire for Council to support the volunteer efforts already underway by others as well.”

Brad Ward

Ward said the public consultation process, required by law, was a potential opportunity to rename the reserve to better reflect the land’s ecology and local history.

“No name has yet been suggested but that will be part of the mix when the final plan comes back to Council for approval later this year.”

Consultation will begin in March and span two months. Formal hearings will be held in May with a final plan for the reserve presented for adoption in June this year.

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