Revaluations delayed again

Ken Morris

Waipā’s rating revaluations have been delayed for a second time – and the district council is unimpressed.

In October it was reported independent property provider Quotable Value (QV) was not able to provide property revaluations until the middle of this month.

Now council may have to wait until mid-May.

The values provide a benchmark on which councils determine how much individual ratepayers will be billed.

Deputy chief executive Ken Morris called the second delay exasperating.

“It’s not my place to explain why QV can’t deliver but I can say it is very, very disappointing.

“We are very well aware people have been expecting these revaluations and of course we need them as well because they are used by council to help set an equitable distribution of rates for coming years.”

At the same time is has been announced Ōtorohanga ratepayers can expect their 5287 new property rating valuation prepared by QV in the post soon.

Ōtorohanga district is now valued at $6.6 billion –  a 30.3% increase, and  the land value of those properties sits at $4.4 billion, a 24.7% increase since 2019.

On average, the value of residential housing has increased by 54% and the average house value is $566,000.

Morris said Waipā District Council was pressing QV hard for a new date and hoped to have more certainty by late next week.

The Office of the Valuer General (OVG), the government body that oversees all rating valuations, is required to certify rating valuations before they can be released.

“That’s another step in the process that is simply beyond Council’s control.”

New property values will be based on the most likely selling price as at August 1, 2022.

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