Eva is our dux

Eva Oosterman has been named the 2022 dux litterarum of Te Awamutu College.

The 18-year-old took the top spot with firsts in subject for chemistry, English, mathematics and statistics, and science, winning the Ag Freeman Medal for Dux Litterarum and the $3000 cash prize that went with it.

Eva also received the Soanes Senior Environmental Leader Trophy. She “passionately and purposefully” led the revitalisation of the school’s Environment Committee in 2022, and worked with others to help make 275 rat traps for Predator Free Te Awamutu.

Eva celebrates her award with grandmother Jocelyn Oosterman, father Simon Oosterman, and step mum Rhonda Oosterman. Photo: Benjamin Wilson

Eva said she was a bit shocked when she was named dux, as she expected head boy Adam Swney to take it.

Swney received the Mexted Cup for Proxime Accessit, which is the runner-up to dux, and was first in subject for physics, sports science. He also won the Rotary Shield for Service to the School award, and the $16,000 University of Otago Leaders of Tomorrow Entrance Scholarship.

Eva said her favourite subject throughout 2022 was biochemistry, and she is hopes to study either a Bachelor of Biomedicine, or a Bachelor of Science majoring in cellular and molecular biology at Wellington’s Victoria University.

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