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Tapping into Waipa

Waipā’s northern neighbours are wooing the council in an apparent effort to get the local authority to join their water services company. Discussions were held behind closed doors in Te Awamutu yesterday (Wednesday) between Hamilton,…

News in brief

Wednesday it is Waipā councillors rubber stamped a staff recommendation around meeting days at a council meeting last week – put to them and verbally approved in a workshop last year. The public was aware…

Bit between his teeth

Horse racing in the Waikato is a $505 million industry employing more than 6200 people and it is about to undergo radical change, reports senior writer Mary Anne Gill.   When Andrew ‘Butch’ Castles says…

Plan offered for park seats

Te Awamutu-Kihikihi Community Board chair Ange Holt has endorsed a $500 repair and maintenance plan for 70-year-old seats at Te Awamutu and District War Memorial Park. Te Awamutu War Memorial Maintenance Committee member Marc Dawson…