A replacement sign
Plans to spruce up Te Awamutu’s railway station have been derailed by continued vandalism of the station platform.
Te Awamutu Community Board member Gary Derbyshire said the shelter had now been removed.
He and a member of the public had been concerned for some time about the deteriorating nature of the platform, and the poor visual impression it left for passengers who pass through, and drivers who use Station Road.
Derbyshire said that it was “really sad,” given that this is what travellers see of Te Awamutu as they pass through by rail.
Keep Te Awamutu Beautiful Society had carried out some planting of the bank opposite the platform many years ago to beautify the area.
KiwiRail owns the platform and land around the rails and after representations from Derbyshire, the company agreed to remove the rubbish and paint over the graffiti.
But only days after the shelter was repainted, someone kicked in the side of the shelter and dumped old car tyres.
KiwiRail then opted to clear the site and replace the Te Awamutu sign.
Kiwi Rail executive general manager of property Olivia Poulsen said because of the regular vandalism, the easiest option was to clear the site and remove the unneeded small shelter.