Nothing to see… move along please


The Top Shop was open in Kihkihi 2321 … but it was all quiet in Ōhaupo

… and Ōtorohanga. Photos: Roy Pilott

… and Te Awamutu

Te Awamutu’s community constable Ryan Fleming quipped over the weekend that it seemed as if every day was Sunday.

And a Level 4 lockdown look through the main streets of Ōhaupo, Ōtorohanga, Kihikihi and Te Awamutu on that day confirmed his view.

The country has largely listened to Government pleas to remain in whanau bubbles at home to prevent the spread of the Alpha variant of Covid 19.

It’s not the first time New Zealand has been in everyday is Sunday mode.

In the 1970s Wellington based singer Rangi Parker – now a familiar figure in the Latter Day Saints church comunty in Waikato – had a hit with a song by that name.

Everyday is Sunday was a finalist in the 1972 Loxene Gold Disc awards – the equivelent of today’s Aotearoa Music Awards – which were compulsory viewing in the days when a second channel for TV viewers was three years away.

And “for the record” – Creation won the group category that year with Carolina and Suzanne the solo award for Sunshine Through a Prism – which she famously sang to a huge audience in the Val Doonican Show in the UK in 1973.

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