Just over 1500 submissions were received on Waipā District Council’s ’s draft 2021-2031 Long Term Plan, the Council’s most important planning tool for setting direction, projects, services and budgets.
A total of 65 submitters and delegations spoke to their submissions last week. Councillors then deliberated on the big issues impacting Waipā and other concerns raised by the community in their submissions.
Waipā District Council went out to the community with a proposed 1.8 per cent average annual rates increase over the next 10 years, starting with 4.1 per cent in 2021/2022.
Budgets were reworked at an extraordinary Strategic Planning and Policy committee meeting last month and councillors landing on a revised average (after growth) rates increase in 2021/2022 of 4.6 per cent and an average over the next 10 years of 2.2% (was 1.8%).

Memorial park in Te Awamutu
Mayor Jim Mylchreest said community projects have been the real winner.
“We’ve made relatively small changes to the budget for big community gains,” he said. “The changes made highlight the value of the consultation process.”
Mayor Mylchreest said Council staff and elected members participated in over 30 meetings, on-street pop-ups, presentations and park tours. This included a new ‘Speed dating with your councillors’ event, coffee with the mayor, activations at our three largest high schools, and tours of Lake Te Koo Utu and Te Awamutu’s Memorial Park.
In addition to events and meetings, Council carried out a multi-channel campaign using social media, digital platforms, an eNewsletter, advertising, videos, podcasts, and other promotional material.
Council will meet to adopt the 2021-2031 Long Term Plan on June 29.
What’s in and what’s out of the 2021-2031 Long Term Plan?
Pirongia – Ngāroto-Te Awamutu Cycling Connection
$3,275,832 to construct section two of the mostly off road cycle way via Macky Access.
Urban Mobility Network
$10,920,120 with $5,569,261 funded by Waka Kotahi (NZTA) to build a network of cycling routes in Cambridge and Te Awamutu.
Lake Te Koo Utu
$5,855,892 (with $4,049,340 funded by asset sales) to fully implement the concept plan.
Memorial Park, Te Awamutu
A scaled down concept plan will be implemented to a value of $5,075,500 rather than the proposed $9,040,450.
Resource Recovery Centre
Budget has been allocated to purchase or lease an existing site to set up a resource recovery centre partnering with a community organisation, charitable group or iwi partner.
Te Ara Wai
Lease costs for the site purchased for Te Ara Wai at 244 Arawata Street, Te Awamutu of $123,500 excluding GST per annum.
Cambridge Town Hall
$120,000 of operating costs in year one for the Cambridge Town Hall Community Trust, which will be used for catch-up repairs and maintenance to make the Town Hall a more presentable facility, contract resourcing and associated marketing focussed on activation of the facility, and initial community engagement and consultation on potential future uses and development of the Town Hall.
Kihikihi Town Clock
$70,500, being a combination of new funding and existing property budgets, has been dedicated to repair the Kihikihi Town Clock in year 1.
Skate parks
$120,000 in year one for site identification, feasibility, geotechnical advice and concept design for skate parks across the district. Then $1,730,000 for construction and redevelopment of skate parks in year two across the district.
Kihikihi Community Centre
$50,000 for a feasibility study to develop a community centre in Kihikihi in year two.
Kihikihi Domain
$50,000 for a feasibility study for a sports centre at Kihikihi Domain in year three, and $30,000 for a master plan for Kihikihi Domain in year three. $40,000 will also be provided for administrative resource for the Kihikihi Domain once an agreed plan is in place, but no earlier than year two.
Cambridge Racquets Club
$25,000 for court renewals at the Cambridge Racquet Club.
Leamington Domain
$25,000 to prepare a Leamington Domain Masterplan in year two.
Kihikihi Police House Temple Cottage Trust
A $1000 grant to be paid to the Kihikihi Police House Temple Cottage Trust for each year over the next 10 years.
Sport Waikato
Ongoing contribution of $11,850 to fund the Sport Waikato regional active spaces plan.
John Kerkhof Park, Cambridge
$600,000 capital expenditure in year two for sports field development at John Kerkhof Park, Vogel Street, Cambridge, and $80,000 in maintenance costs per annum from year three.
Cambridge Library
No budget has been allocated for a new library in Cambridge.
Cambridge third bridge
Council will complete a Transportation Strategy this month. If this indicates the need to move at pace and identify a third crossing, Council will use funding from operating reserves to designate and acquire land for a third bridge.