Ian McLauhlan says there has been a lift in demand over the last two months
Te Awamutu’s foodbank organisers are so thankful for the support they have had from the community that they want to invite donors for a cuppa.
At the end of last month , the Foodbank had distributed 242 food parcels to help 413 adults and 420 children.
“While government assistance was received during the Covid 19 Lockdown period, much of the expense involved, approximately $20,000, has been met from cash and food donations made by the Te Awamutu community,” coordinator Ian McLaughlan said.
“The Te Awamutu Combined Churches and Community Foodbank want to thank all its donors for their extremely generous support over the past twelve months.”
He has invited donors are invited to “drop in for a cup of tea and biscuit” on Friday this week – November 20 – from 2:30pm to 4pm at the Methodist Church Lounge at 261 Bank Street Te Awamutu.
“I would like this to be accepted as a personal invitation to drop in and meet the committee and some of the volunteers who deliver parcels every week.”
The work committee undertakes relied on support from the churches, businesses and individuals.
“In the past two months there has been a noticeable increase in the demand for food parcels and despite the regular donations received, the food stocks needed to be supplemented by purchases of $500-$600 per month. Traditionally the period, both before and after Christmas is a time of even higher demand and even greater stress is placed on the foodbank resources,” he added.
- If you want to help the, you can make a cash donation to The Combined Churches and Community Foodbank Account 03 – 1564 – 0023878 – 000. Donations of food can be left at the Foodbank Call Centre, Kainga Aroha Community House, 301 Bank Street, Te Awamutu.