Community Board Report: Plan, reports and civil defence…

By Ange Holt, Te Awamutu Board Chairperson

This month’s meeting featured a public forum, Waipā District Plan Changes update, quarterly reports for district growth and civil defence emergency management.

There were also two applications to the discretionary fund, but unfortunately they were both declined due to no financial records being provided.

My report featured the planned Kihikihi Summer Stroll, a brief update on Memorial Park, a possible street art project and Waste Minimisation Initiatives.

Manager Compliance Karl Tutty took us through the district growth report. Interestingly all the major building consents currently are around the airport or Cambridge.

We asked about the proposed parking infringement officer and that role is currently being advertised.

Dave Simes joined us to present the Civil Defence Emergency Management Report. This included an Overview from the CDEM Group Joint Committee Meeting outlining the work the management of future emergencies and how we continue to recover from the impacts of Covid.

Usually, the recovery phase is a core role of Civil Defence however due to the ongoing and far wider implications of Covid this has been delegated to local governments (ie Councils).

In response Waipa has created a Recovery Project Control Group.

Amongst the Waipa district plan change updates detailed by Tony Quickfall, Manager District Plan and Growth was a directive from government to remove any minimum car parking requirements in RMA plans.

This basically means new businesses can open without having to provide carparks. This change will be made “as soon as is practicable”.

Approval by way of motion was given for the funding of BBQ items for the Greywater and Rainwater Retention Event being held by board members Richard Hurrell and Jill Taylor on December 3 at Farm Source.

All are welcome to join them and learn how you too can save water for your garden.

From my Chair report – the main points: we agreed to the Kihikihi Summer Stroll event which will be held on February 27.

This event will provide the opportunity for a heritage walk, some entertainment by way of the Cossie Ukes and the chance to speak with your Community Board.

A request to Council Staff was made for more information on how to get Palmer St residents safely across Vaile Street. We are proud to announce Community Board will adopt the Christmas Lights in the Rose Gardens project.

Recommendations from council staff for the Memorial Park have been delayed and will now come to Community Board early in the New Year.

We had one late item, the notification of the Hearing for the Application of an Off-Licence at 461 Alexandra St (the former Z station). Approval was given for a representative of the Community Board to attend this hearing on November 26.

For those wanting more information, here is the link for you to read at your leisure

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